
Controllers help keep your templates clean by separating the business layer from the presentation layer, all following the WP template hierarchy you're used to.


Create a controllers folder in the root of your theme.

Create controller files inside this folder.



Create controllers following the same file naming convention as the WP Template Hierarchy. Also make sure, it follows the same folder structure. See below for examples.

You can name the class whatever you'd like, but a good rule of thumb would be to name it after the file using upper camel case (aka pascal case). For example, if you have a single-post.php file you would name the class SinglePost.


Front Page - controllers/front-page.php

Single Post - controllers/single-post.php

Page Template located at custom-page-templates/full-width.php - controllers/custom-page-templates/full-width.php


Only one controller will be run. The most specific.


The class must implement WPDev\Controller\ControllerInterface.

To fulfill this implementation, the class must contain a build() method which returns an array.


Use the snippet below to get started even faster. Just rename {{MyTheme}} to the namespace of your theme or project and change {{SinglePost}} to something that makes sense.

                namespace {{MyTheme}};

                use WPDev\Controller\ControllerInterface;

                class {{SinglePost}} implements ControllerInterface
                    * The default data set by wpdev before calling build()
                    * @var  array
                    public $defaultData = [];

                    public function build()
                        return [];